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Bat Eviction

Bat Evictions can be complex. Identification of all entry points is key. Once these are located, installation of exit devices is completed along with sealing all other areas where they can enter. Follow up to remove exit devices and seal permanently. Bats are protected in NH and humane eviction is the best solution. Jobs are quoted individually, per property.

Quarterly Services

This is our flagship program with the best value, the Quarterly Service is designed to protect your home from the most common household pests. It is a 4x a year service with free followups should a pest issue arise between services.  Pests include but not limited to: Ants, Hornets, Wasps, Spiders, Mice, Earwigs, Silverfish, Occasional Invaders.  Pricing is based on square footage of the home. Sit back and relax, let us take care of the pest problems. Excellent for 2nd homes and rental properties. 

​Squirrel Exclusion

Squirrel Exclusions are done in a humane approach where we use special one-way exit doors. This allows the squirrels to exit and not reenter. It is very important to locate the entry points and areas where with a little effort they can gain access to the home. Follow up to remove doors and permanently seal. Jobs are quoted individually, per property.

Trapping Services

Trapping Services are available for all types of animals. This includes cage trapping (when appropriate) and lethal trapping for certain situations. Raccoon, Porcupine, Woodchuck and other ground dwelling pests are primarily done with cage traps. Beaver control is done with lethal traps. Pricing is based on a per property quote. 

Rodent Services

Rodent entry is extremely common here in New England. We have developed a knowledge of these vermin and have been able to identify their main access points on most structures. While every home is different, the mice all attempt the same areas. We will permanently seal these areas and bait/trap out interior mice. Jobs are quoted individually, per property. We also offer quarterly baiting programs for rodents.

Ant Service

Our Ant Services consist of a full interior and exterior inspection. Interior ant issues will be addressed and a full exterior perimeter treatment completed. 6 month warranty with followups free of charge as needed. Pricing starts at $300.00.

Wasp/Hornet Service

Wasp/ Hornet Services include a exterior treatment to eves, soffits, vents, shutters and other nesting areas on exterior of structure. 6 month warranty with followups free of charge as needed. Pricing based on size of property.

Emergency Removal

We offer Emergency Services 24 hours a day.  This includes bats inside homes/ businesses, squirrels and similar animals. Please note that an additional fee will apply outside out regular business hours.

Nest Removal

Nest removal is a basic, quick treatment of a Hornet/ Wasp nest. This is a one time service only. Great for a fast solution of stinging insects.

Cockroach Service

Cockroaches can be extremely difficult to treat. We have developed a very effective treatment plan for these pests. Inspection is key, identifing the areas where they are living and breeding. This with a tactical placement of baits and liquid product can really do a number on the populations. Pricing is based on level of infestation and size. 

Fall Invade​r Service

Cluster Flies, Asian Lady Beetles and Western Conifer Seed Bugs invade homes in the fall. They are looking for areas to over winter. We have a program that will help prevent them from gaining access to your home. This program consists of a thorough exterior treatment around windows, doors, soffits, eaves, vents, rooflines and construction gaps where they could gain entry. This service is done in the fall only. Constists of 2x services. First treament is mid August, 2nd treatment is mid September. Pricing based on size of structure. 

Inspection Service 

We can do a basic pest inspection for new sales, pre construction, additions, etc. If you want to know whats living with you this a great peice of mind. Inspections are $125.00 and price can be applied towards any of our services within 30 days.

Spider Service

Spider Control can be a difficult process. We have developed a service that includes a interior/ exterior  treatment. Webbing removal (within 15ft) in both interior and exterior. Liquid applications made around windows, doors, vents and basement areas. Pricing starts at $250.00 with a 90 day warranty. 

Don't See Your Pest? 

We treat and take care of to many pest issues to list them all here. Best to talk with us and see what we can do to help. Have a question about our services or a pest issue please feel free to call us. When you contact Clay's Wildlife & Pest Services, you will only speak/ have contact with the owner, Bruce Clay. No call centers. 

We can be reached at 603-667-7016 or

WDI Inspections

Wood Destroying Insect Inspections are a legal document that is required for some real estate transactions and refinancing. We can perform these on site and leave you with a hard copy at time of service. Price is $200.00. Call for more details.

Clay's Wildlife & Pest Servi​ces


 2​017 Clay's Wildlife & Pest Services. All Rights Reserved. 

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